Great Resignation

This content was written as a LinkedIn post, with the intent of becoming a blog.

With the Great Resignation and workers realizing more of what they want, companies are often left in the dust when trying to hire new employees.
Here are the three strikes that can make a candidate no longer interested (and how to fix them).

πŸ‘‰ Culture isn't clear.
If you're hiring Millennials and Gen Z, you may have noticed they care very much about the culture of a company and if it aligns with their values. If your company doesn't have a clear defined culture, you might be missing out on great employees.
How to fix it: Sit down and define your culture, how you care for your customers and employees. Make sure everyone in your company can easily communicate your culture and how you live by it.

πŸ‘‰ Too many interviews.
Let's face it. No one likes sitting through a bunch of interviews. We know you want to make sure the person is a great fit, but an overabundance of caution can lead a great candidate right out the door.
How to fix it: Make a standard interview process, and share it with the candidates after the first interview. This way everyone knows exactly what to expect and there are no surprises in the middle.

πŸ‘‰Taking too long to make a decision.
Sometimes when hiring, we can often wonder "What if someone even better is out there?" This then leads any potential new hires being strung along for weeks (sometimes even months). Candidates won't wait that long and we've seen companies lose a great candidate because they're hoping someone "even better" will come along.
How to fix it: Create a hiring timeline for yourself. If you know it's going to be awhile, be upfront with candidates. Often being clear and concise helps ensure everyone is kept in the loop.

Want to know how you can make finding your next candidate even easier? Contact FLAG Solutions! We take out all of the guesswork in hiring so that you don't need to worry about anything. We know what to do and how to do it right the first time. Send us a message at [redacted] to talk about how we can help you!


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