Why Women Need Remote Work

Originally posted on HERdacity.org

At HERdacity, we are a team of five women who (mostly) work remote. With a team that consists of mothers, business-owners, pet moms, and just people in general who sometimes have things that come up during the work week, remote work and flexibility is key to us having the ability to help move women forward.

In fact, research shows that remote work benefits women by allowing them to pursue their careers and still maintain a healthy work/life balance. But how exactly does remote work help women? Let’s find out

Women at Work

Studies estimate that 43% of women quit their jobs after they have children. 42% of women will cut back hours after having their first child and most women will see a significant pay decrease after their first child. Compare this to the 28% of men who reported reducing working hours to help with their family and you can see where discrepancies start to pile up.

In today’s society, women are still the primary caregivers and homemakers, being the ones to take time off for a sick child, or other basic tasks to take care of the home. This means women are taking more time off than their male counterparts. That can make women seem not as committed to their careers and passed over for promotions.

There is also the issue of geography, when your lifestyle or budget takes you farther away from your office, making your commute longer. According to a 2017 study employees whose commutes are over an hour are 33% more likely to suffer from depression. This longer commute contributes to more financial worries, less sleep, and an increase in work-related stress.

Why Remote Work Evens the Playing Field

In 2016, 43% of employees in America spent some time working remotely and that number is expected to only increase in the next decade. Remote work is here to stay and here’s why that’s great for women in particular.

  • Flexibility for homemakers: With 42% of women having to cut back on hours after having a child, it can be difficult for women who are looking for both a family and a career. Remote work allows women to pursue their career from home, have flexibility in their environment, and achieve the work/life balance that they need to be successful.

  • Geography: For women who live in more rural areas, move frequently with a partner, or may not want a long commute, remote work allows women to build their careers. Army spouses often are overlooked for jobs because they move frequently and, according to a 2017 survey, are at a 16% unemployment rate. A remote position allows women in this situation to continue to grow their careers without having to worry about where their next move will take them.

  • Women Leadership: Because remote work allows for flexibility, women are able to climb the ladder and take on leadership positions. FastCompany estimates that women make up 42% of leadership at remote companies, in comparison to the 14.2% in S&P 500 companies. Remote work helps women who may have taken a less traditional route in their careers and can keep them on the path to upper management and beyond.


It’s no secret that women still face difficulties in the workplace. Women are still seen as the primary homemakers in our current society, and often times that means giving up their career. Remote and flexible working helps women who are in these roles to continue to advance up the corporate ladder and find their own personal fulfillment.


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